Sunday, December 21, 2008

PIzza V2.0

Peter Reinhart's Napoletana Pizza Dough
(I didn't have enough bread flour so I used a bit of all-purpose flour as well)

I wanted to test out another pizza dough recipe - this one takes a bit of patience, as the dough needs to proof and rest overnight. So, if you want pizza right away, make a different recipe. ;-)

3 C bread flour
1 1/2 C all-purpose flour
1 3/4 tsp of salt
I package active dry yeast
1/4 C of olive oil
1 3/4 C cold water
1 T sugar

Mix together flour, yeast and salt.

Slowly add the oil, sugar and water. Mix well until a sticky ball.

Turn out and knead for 6 minutes.
Cut into 4 pieces, and form into tight balls.
Place onto pan coated with cooking spray & generously spray dough balls. 
Cover with saran wrap and place in fridge to rest overnight or up to 3 days.

Next Day:
Remove dough from fridge.
Place on surface and flour lightly.
Press into disks and mist with oil.
Loosely cover dough with plastic wrap and rest for 2 hours.

Preheat oven to 500F.
(heat at least an hour before baking)

Toss dough into the air!!! Dev helped me take these pictures!

Let dough rest for another 15 minutes. Brush with olive oil.
Top with favorite toppings...

Bake for 9 minutes! 
(bake at the lowest rack setting.)
Flavor and texture was good!
UPDATE: Letting this dough sit longer make for a crisper crust! Day 2: GOOD, Day 3: GREAT!

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